Weight Loss
What should healthy young men who want to watch their weight and manage their blood sugar levels drink?
By Kwiyeon Ha TOKYO (Reuters) – Competition is cutthroat among Japan’s thousands of pop idol wannabes, but a unique concept is winning fame for a band of “chubby” girls deploying their cheeky cuteness to combat prejudices against obesity. Despite one of the lowest rates of obesity in the developed world, Japan has a growing number of underweight young women, who rely on excessive dieting to satisfy society’s emphasis on being slim. Enter “Pottya”, a pop group named after a slang word for chubby and consisting of four young women who are not especially hefty to Western eyes, but well above average weight in Japan.
Acid reflux is an uncomfortable condition in which stomach acid comes back into the esophagus. Find out which foods can reduce or worsen symptoms.
Hunger among Yemen’s children has reached an “all time high”, with nearly 2.2 million in need of urgent care, the U.N. children’s agency UNICEF said on Monday. At least 462,000 children suffer from severe acute malnutrition – meaning they are extremely underweight for their height – a drastic increase of almost 200 percent since 2014, UNICEF said. Sa’ada governorate in the country’s northwest has the world’s highest stunting rates among children, affecting eight out of 10 in some areas, the U.N. agency said.
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Premature and underweight newborns may be healthier as children and young adults if they pass their early days with their bare chests nestled directly against their mothers’ breasts, a new study suggests. Researchers focused on a practice known as “kangaroo care,” which has been linked to lower infant mortality and better developmental outcomes for vulnerable babies. Kangaroo care includes skin-to-skin contact between the newborn and mother, exclusive breastfeeding, early discharge from the hospital after delivery and close follow-up care at home.
Find out how certain dietary choices may reduce inflammation and the risk of celiac disease and promote overall health for people with psoriasis.
A diet rich in magnesium may reduce the risk of diseases including coronary heart disease, stroke and type-2 diabetes according to a new meta-analysis published in the open access journal BMC…
By Claude Canellas AUDENGE, France (Reuters) – French hospitals have long been using leeches to prevent blood clots after surgery and their use looks set to expand as scientists say the animal could in future be used to treat problems including rheumatism and osteoarthritis. For the last 23 years, Brigitte Latrille has been cultivating leeches in her laboratory near Bordeaux, and says she is doing a roaring trade. “In France, we’re getting orders from all the hospitals with plastic surgery centers, whether it’s Marseilles, Strasbourg or others such as the CHU hospital in Bordeaux,” she said.
As well as discovering a protein that is key to cancer metastasis, researchers have found that dietary fat works with this protein to worsen cancer spread.
By Sarah N. Lynch WASHINGTON (Reuters) – GNC Holdings Inc, the largest global dietary supplement retailer, has agreed to pay $2.25 million to avoid federal prosecution over its alleged sale of illegal dietary supplements, the U.S. Department of Justice said on Wednesday. GNC admitted no wrongdoing as part of the agreement. The non-prosecution agreement, under which GNC will reform some practices, stems from allegations that it sold a misbranded supplement in 2013 called OxyElite Pro Advanced Formula, made by Dallas-based USP Labs.