Study finds chronic anxiety might raise risk of obesity
It enhances protective effects of ‘good’ HDL cholesterol, study suggests
Some research says bacteria in fermented foods may promote gut health and help prevent heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Should you eat these foods?
There’s no solid proof, but encouraging healthy eating is a wise move, specialist says
Study found no benefit, suggesting that obesity’s effects on a pregnancy may begin before conception
These food plans are safe at all stages of life, nutrition group says
But at least one nutrition expert says it’s too soon to draw conclusions
Early peanut exposure can slash a child’s chances for developing peanut allergies, and allergists and pediatricians are sharing tips on how to work peanuts into a baby’s diet.
Diet sodas do not appear to pose the same danger, researcher says
Curbing appetite by making patients feel full could jumpstart a weight-loss program, researcher says