Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies
Pain Practice
A study by MGH researchers finds that some of the symptoms often seen in middle-aged men ndash; changes in body composition, energy, strength and sexual function ndash; are caused not only by decreases in testosterone production but also by reduced levels of estrogen.
Abstract: The American Society for Pain Management Nursing (ASPMN) has updated its 2007 position statement on the use of authorized agent controlled analgesia (AACA) for patients who are unable to independently utilize patient-controlled analgesia (PCA). ASPMN continues to support the use of AACA to provide timely and effective pain management while promoting equitable care for vulnerable patient populations who are unable to utilize PCA. ASPMN does not support the use of “PCA by Proxy” in which unauthorized individuals activate PCA for a patient. The background of the development of the position statement, definitions related to AACA, and application of ethical principles to the use of AACA are presented in the document. This position statement includes an updated review of the evidence related to AACA and a call for further research. Clinical practice recommendations for authorized agents, nurses, prescribers, and organizations are provided with an emphasis on the importance of appropriate authorized agent selection, education, diligent patient assessment and medication management.
Spinal compression fractures are an often overlooked, but common cause of back pain. These small fractures in the bones that form your spine are frequently caused by osteoporosis. Fortunately, spinal compression fractures can be treated with pain medicine and bed rest. Some patients may wear a back brace or undergo physical therapy…
Scientists say that people who have a certain abnormality in their brain structure are more likely to develop chronic pain following a lower back injury, according to a study published in the journal Pain. Researchers from the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine say their findings may initiate changes to the way physicians treat patients for pain…
New research from Johns Hopkins suggests that it may not be the steroids in spinal shots that provide relief from lower back pain, but the mere introduction of any of a number of fluids, such as anesthetics and saline, to the space around the spinal cord…
Arthritis & Rheumatism