The Following Rules are Important to Know and Remember While You are Engaged in the Med Clinics HCG Diet Weight Management Program.
There are 3 primary sources of fuel for the body: Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats
- Your body uses Carbohydrates 1st, Protein 2nd, and Fat 3rd
- By restricting your energy (caloric) intake while on the HCG diet protocol of carbohydrates and fats, you are forcing your body to use your body’s stored fat from your fat cells first for energy.
- This adipose tissue (body fat) will be metabolized and then released into your blood stream and fuel your body while the excess gets excreted as waste.
HCG Diet Weight Management Schedule Phase 1 Days 1 and 2
- Take your HCG drops (0.5 ml [X drops] under the tongue or 0.2 ml injection) once a day
- Eat as often as you like throughout the day. This will increase your body’s fat storage to prepare you for the 500 calorie per day limit on day 3 – 42
- Drink 1 gallon of bottled spring water throughout the day
Days 3 – 40
- Weigh yourself in the morning when you wake up without clothing and after you have emptied your bladder
- Take the HCG drops (0.5 mL under the tongue vs injecdtions) first thing in the morning or in evening.
- Drink 1 gallon of bottle spring water/tea/coffee throughout the day.
- You may only eat items on the Phase 1 diet list. Your caloric intake should not exceed 700 calories per day, which consists of protein, vegetable and fruit
- Take the (our vitamin goes here) every morning
- Drink a Protein Shake (1 scoop in 8 oz of water) every morning.
Days 41 – 42
- Continue to follow the phase 1 diet on days 41 – 42 because the HCG will remain in your system for 24 to 48 hours.
500 Calorie/Day Diet Guide
- 300 calories of protein per day
- 120 calories of fruit per day
- 80 calories of vegetables per day
- Bottled spring water
- Organic black coffee (no creamer, no dairy, no sugar)
- Organic green tea
- Organic herbal teas
- Drink plenty of tea and bottle spring water
- You may have fruit for breakfast and have the second fruit anytime during the day as long as it is at least 3 hours before bed
Lunch and Dinner
- Eat 100 grams (approximately 3.5 ounces) of protein (size of the palm of the hand)
- Use organic coconut oil (do not use butter or margarine)
- Vegetables can be eaten raw, steamed, or grilled
HCG Diet Rules of the Road
- 2 proteins, 2 vegetables, and 2 fruits per day
- NO nuts, soy, tofu, legumes (beans), or dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese)
- NO starchy carbs like rice, bread or pasta (except for Melba toast or Grissini breadsticks)
- NO starchy vegetables like corn, peas, carrots or potatoes.
- Use Stevia as a sweetener (NO sugar or artificial sweeteners [Splenda, Nutrasweet])
So that’s the science from our medical providers and nutritionists. Let’s hear a more casual perspective from one of Med Clinics many satisfied patients.
The HCG Diet Plan is done in “rounds”. You can do short or long rounds. The most common round is the 26-Day Round, but you can do the longer 40-Day Round. The one you pick will be determined by your weight loss goals. After a round you do what’s called the Maintenance Phase. The Maintenance Phase is 3 weeks where you are not allowed to eat any starches or sugars, but you are allowed to eat any amount of other foods you’d like. After you finish the 3-week Maintenance Phase you can do another round. So, although you are limited to 40 days in your “rounds”, you can do as many rounds as you need in order to achieve your weight loss goal. I’ve seen people lose 200+ pounds and they just do multiple rounds to achieve this. You just can’t go past 40 days in a row because your body will get used to the HCG diet and it will cease to be effective.
All Rounds start with 2 “gorge” or “loading” days. You also begin taking your HCG at the beginning of the rounds. On the Loading Days you “load” by eating as much as you can and whatever you’d like. This tells your body that you have enough fat to lose and it’s OK to start unlocking your stored fat. Now your low calorie diet will cause you to lose fat and not muscle.
On the start of the 3rd Day you begin the low calorie diet (LCD). For breakfast you can have coffee or tea. Or you can also spread out your meals and have your fruit from lunch. You make the choices as to when you take in your daily food and liquid amounts. The key is to make sure that you don’t eat more than the diet allows. If you want snacks you can always save something from a meal. I would usually save my fruit from dinner and have it a little later.
I think you should drink at least 2 liters (1 gallon) of water per day. This helps you detox and keeps you hydrated. As to exercise, while on this diet you really don’t need to exercise. Most people don’t, because they are taking in so little calories that heavy exercise could cause you to get weak and dizzy. You can do light stuff like walking or jogging about a mile or two per day, but I wouldn’t do much more than that. As crazy as it sounds, this plan really doesn’t need exercise to be successful!
Once you hit your goal weight or your End Day (last day of the Round—Remember not to go past day 40!) you stop your HCG and do 3 more days on the HCG diet. You do this to make sure all the HCG is out of your system before moving to the Maintenance Phase. Once you enter this phase it’s no sugar or starches until you start another round (if you choose to do another one).