weight clinic
(Reuters) – Healthcare conglomerate Johnson & Johnson said it would cut about 3,000 jobs within its medical devices division, or between 4 percent and 6 percent of the unit’s global workforce, over the next two years. Leerink analysts said the announcement meant that an acquisition was still on the cards for J&J, given that it had about $37 billion in cash as of the end of the third quarter. “We continue to believe JNJ is an active acquirer with a focus likely heavily weighted toward it’s lagging Medical Devices business…it’s a matter of when, not if, JNJ does a deal”, they wrote in a note.
When I tell people I’m a food and body image coach who helps women find peace, sanity and freedom around food, I get asked a lot of questions about how to eat without feeling “crazy” around food:Is it possible to eat what you want and not put on weight?How do I eat cake and not feel guilty?What’s the secret to ending the fridge and pantry…
“What did you eat yesterday and should we believe you?” The answer to that question, and others like it, are part of a continuing controversy about U.S.
Title: Could Reducing Your Stress Levels Help You Lose Weight?
Category: Health News
Created: 1/13/2016 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 1/14/2016 12:00:00 AM
By Noel Randewich SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – GNC Holdings, Vitamin Shoppe and other dietary supplement sellers could take a hit to their financial health in 2016 if safety concerns attract new action from U.S. federal and state officials. Shares of GNC and Vitamin Shoppe fell more than 30 percent last year after allegations of impure and dangerous ingredients in dietary supplements hurt already sluggish demand for their products. Last year, a challenge from New York’s attorney general led to an agreement by GNC to adopt new testing standards for ingredients used in its products.
A study by Stanford University School of Medicine investigators raises concerns that the lower-fiber diets typical in industrialized societies may produce internal deficiencies that get passed…
There are small easy steps that we can take to tackle the burgeoning problem of obesity. One of those solutions is surprisingly simple: use smaller plates.
Italy’s health ministry said Tuesday that probes into a spate of women dying in childbirth had uncovered issues in the handling of three fatal cases, but stopped short of suggesting lives might have been saved. Italy, which has one of the lowest maternal mortality rates in the world, suffered five deaths in seven days between December 25 and 31. Leading gynaecologists suggested some of the patients might have been saved through better screening of older and overweight pregnant women at risk of thrombosis or heart problems.
The image repeatedly attached to the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) is one of puzzle pieces, in which foods — and exercise — fit in to create a healthful whole.It’s an apt image. Everything you eat matters, and you can’t think of any one food without being reminded that it’s just part of the puzzle. Eating patterns over a lifetime…