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Weight Management Program

Isn’t it time you kicked your weight problems out of your life? You deserve to feel good, look good, and have excellent health just like everyone else. Call us today at (520) 885-2822 to get started on the new you!.

The HCG Diet

Losing weight with the HCG diet has been found to be one of the quickest ways to lose weight without sacrificing your health or metabolism. Some people lose 3-5 pounds per week and even more. Imagine weighing 15 pounds less a month from now!

weight clinic

A federal appeals court on Friday rejected former TV pitchman Kevin Trudeau’s bid to overturn his conviction and 10-year prison sentence for having exaggerated the content of a weight-loss book he marketed through infomercials. The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago found no basis to accept Trudeau’s claims that the government lacked enough evidence to convict him, his sentence was too long, and jurors were instructed improperly. Trudeau, 52, was appealing his November 2013 conviction by a Chicago jury over his promotion of the 2007 book “The Weight Loss Cure ‘They’ Don’t Want You To Know About” in three 30-minute infomercials, which aired roughly 32,000 times.

For Those of You Fretting About Finding Your 'Purpose'Let’s ignore, for expediency sake, electrical fires. They are a case apart, an exception to the prevailing rules. Much the same is true for highly prescriptive, condition-specific diets, such as low protein intake for kidney failure, or a ketogenic diet for control of intractable seizures. There are always exceptions, but they don’t obviate the…

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Women who use in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other reproductive technologies may be more likely to have children with certain cancers or developmental delays than their peers who conceive the old-fashioned way, two new studies suggest. “At this point in time, we don’t believe the weight of the available evidence is strong enough to suggest that women should not proceed with ART,” Melissa Bondy, an oncology researcher at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston who wrote an editorial accompanying the cancer study, said by email. Instead, the researchers mined data from birth records for all children born in Norway between 1984 and 2011, pairing it with cancer registry data.

Warn Dieters How Unhealthy a Particular Food Is, and They'll Just Eat More of ItBy Claudia McNeilly You might remember this ad from the city’s Bloomberg era: An overweight man sits on a stool as he faces the camera; his right leg appears to be amputated below the knee. It was a jarring PSA from New York City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, popping up in subway cars in 2012 to urge New Yorkers to cut back on…

As the study shows, a high-fat diet during pregnancy and lactation leads to epigenetic* changes in the offspring.

File photo of bags of Florida Crystals cane sugar roll down a conveyer belt after filling at the Florida Crystals Corp. sugar mill refinery and power plant in Okeelanta FloridaLast month, the U.S. government said that Americans should seek to keep their intake of added sugars, which is sugar added during processing or preparation of foods, to less than 10 percent of daily calories, the first time it had recommended a specific limit. Of the people surveyed, 50 percent said they have tried to cut down on calories, 48 percent sodium, 46 percent for both saturated fats and trans fat/trans fatty acid, 43 percent cholesterol and 40 percent carbohydrates.

Title: ‘Til Weight Loss Do Us Part?
Category: Health News
Created: 1/29/2016 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 2/1/2016 12:00:00 AM

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