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Weight Management Program

Isn’t it time you kicked your weight problems out of your life? You deserve to feel good, look good, and have excellent health just like everyone else. Call us today at (520) 885-2822 to get started on the new you!.

The HCG Diet

Losing weight with the HCG diet has been found to be one of the quickest ways to lose weight without sacrificing your health or metabolism. Some people lose 3-5 pounds per week and even more. Imagine weighing 15 pounds less a month from now!

weight clinic

Workouts that Make You See Results FastestBefore you see physical changes after starting to work out on regular basis, you will notice that you have more energy, are in a better mood, and that your sleep patterns have improved.Click Here to see the Complete List of Workouts that Make You See Results FastestA healthy rate at which a person, who is not obese, should be losing weight is…

A McDonald's sign is shown outside one of their restaurants in EncinitasBy Lisa Baertlein LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – The former Iowa science teacher and McDonald’s Corp “brand ambassador,” who preached the virtues of walking and near-daily french fries in presentations to youth, is no longer visiting U.S. schools, the fast-food chain said on Friday. The program presented by John Cisna, author of the book “My McDonald’s Diet: How I lost 37 pounds in 90 days and became a viral media sensation,” was sharply criticized by teachers, parents and public health advocates who accused McDonald’s of trying to hook youngsters on unhealthy food. Cisna’s program included a documentary and discussion guide edited by McDonald’s, which hired him in 2015 and provides him with a stipend for time and travel related to his speaking engagements.

7 Nutrition Secrets to Live a Longer -- and Healthier -- LifeLet’s face it. We all want to live a longer — and healthier — life. Aging is inevitable but there are healthy habits we can create and foods we can enjoy to help prologue our lives. A nutrient dense diet along with a stress-free lifestyle goes hand in hand to promote longevity.As a nutritionist, I regularly get asked how to help slow the…

A McDonald's sign is shown outside one of their restaurants in EncinitasBy Lisa Baertlein LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – The former Iowa science teacher and McDonald’s Corp “brand ambassador,” who preached the virtues of walking and near-daily french fries in presentations to youth, is no longer visiting U.S. schools, the fast-food chain said on Friday. The program presented by John Cisna, author of the book “My McDonald’s Diet: How I lost 37 pounds in 90 days and became a viral media sensation,” was sharply criticized by teachers, parents and public health advocates who accused McDonald’s of trying to hook youngsters on unhealthy food. Cisna’s program included a documentary and discussion guide edited by McDonald’s, which hired him in 2015 and provides him with a stipend for time and travel related to his speaking engagements.

5 Top Tips to Build Trust Online for Your New BusinessIf you keep up at all with matters of diet and health, you have no doubt noticed the thriving cottage industry in revisionist dietary history, from big fat lies, to big fat surprises, to sugar conspiracies. A consideration of cars, Keys, and Karelia will lend some much needed perspective.Imagine a world where, for whatever bizarre reason, cars…

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Women who gain excessive weight or develop diabetes during pregnancy are more likely to have obese children even when the babies start out at a normal size, a U.S. study suggests. Previous research has linked greater pregnancy weight gain and blood sugar spikes – a hallmark of diabetes – to higher odds of having an overweight newborn. Researchers followed more than 13,000 normal weight babies for a decade.

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