Learn how gastric banding works as a type of weight loss surgery, who is suitable for it, and about the benefits and risks of this bariatric procedure.
Obese adults who drank 500 ml of water 30 minutes before main meals lost more weight over a 12-week period than those who did not drink water before mealtimes, a new study reveals.
Energy-burning ‘good’ brown fat can be created in the laboratory and implanted in the body to help reduce weight gain and lower glucose levels, scientists have discovered. “This is figuratively and literally a hot area of research right now,” said senior author Andreas Stahl of UC Berkeley. In the study, the research team worked with stem cells that they obtained from the energy storing or ‘bad’ white fat.
Overweight moms, dads often limit food intake, while those of normal weight push children to eat more
Title: Doctor’s Support Boosts Weight Loss, Study Shows
Category: Health News
Created: 8/21/2015 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 8/24/2015 12:00:00 AM
The Colorado movie massacre gunman is destined for the “darkest, most painful part of hell,” a sobbing victim testified on Monday at the start of a three-day hearing after which James Holmes will be formally sentenced to life with no parole. “I will never forgive the monster that sits in this courtroom, smiling and laughing with his defense attorneys when the jury and your honor are out of the room,” said Anita Busch, whose second cousin Micalya Medek was among the 12 people Holmes killed. Holmes, clean-shaven and clad in red jail garb, showed no reaction as a procession of victims addressed the court.
Researcher suggests including physicians in commercial programs
When it comes to eating well, there’s solid research on what to consume for all kinds of health goals. Want to protect your heart? There’s a diet for that. Want to cut your diabetes risk, trim belly fat or increase energy? Doctors know what foods to recommend in these cases as well. But what about a meal plan to help stave off…