The South has a long tradition of using cheap cuts of meat often cured and smoked to season dishes. A couple of ham hocks will flavor a big pot of beans, smoked turkey butts make collard greens a wonderful dish. With all the talk about a vegan diet being the best, carnivores are rebelling. They are clinging to meat with a white hot passion….
Drinking sugar-sweetened beverages can suppress the hormone cortisol and stress responses in the brain, but diet beverages sweetened with aspartame do not have the same effect, according to a new…
A one-size-fits-all approach to treating obesity doesn’t work because obese people fall into one of six groups, a study says. WebMD reports.
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Consumption of chamomile tea was linked with a lower risk of thyroid cancer in a small Greek study. Researchers interviewed some Athens residents about their lifestyle, eating and drinking habits and found that people who reported drinking more chamomile tea over longer periods of time were less likely to develop thyroid malignancies or benign growths than those who didn’t. While the study doesn’t prove tea prevents cancer, it adds to a growing body of evidence pointing to the potential health benefits of a Mediterranean diet including lots of lean fish, fresh vegetables and healthy fats in addition to tea, study co-author Dr. Athena Linos, an environmental health researcher at Prolepsis in Greece, said by email. “The finding was not surprising to me because many aspects of the Mediterranean diet have been shown to be protective towards cancer in general,” Linos said.
By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters Health) – Obesity may be partly responsible for higher rates of prostate cancer observed among African American men, suggests a new U.S. study. The links between obesity and prostate cancer among different races is complex, researchers say, but if emphasis is put on keeping people at a healthy weight, the excess burden of this cancer among African Americans might be reduced. “Targeting obesity prevention among African American men may contribute to reducing prostate cancer disparities,” said Wendy Barrington, the study lead researcher from the University of Washington School of Nursing and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.
U.S. Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) are calling on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to investigate manufacturers of dietary supplements containing “acacia rigidula”…
Making small, consistent changes to the types of protein- and carbohydrate-rich foods we eat may have a big impact on long-term weight gain, according to a new study led by researchers at the…
Title: Mediterranean Diet
Category: Health and Living
Created: 9/5/2013 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 4/13/2015 12:00:00 AM
Including a new broccoli variety in the diet reduces blood LDL-cholesterol levels by around 6%, according to the results of human trials led by the Institute of Food Research.