In a study of older people with a high risk of cardiovascular disease, healthy diet choices – fruit, vegetables, nuts and fish – were found to protect against cognitive decline.
Obese children are far less likely to finish school than peers of normal weight, according to European research Thursday which also highlighted body image problems in kids as young as six. Britain had the second-highest rate with 23.1 percent, followed by Albania with 22 percent and Georgia with 20 percent, Bulgaria with 19.8 percent and Spain with 18.4 percent, said an analysis of data provided by 32 countries in the World Health Organization’s 53-member Europe region. People are classified overweight if they have a BMI (body weight index, a ratio of weight to height) of 25 and higher, and obese from a BMI of 30. A second study presented at the congress said only 56 percent of children in Sweden who had received treatment for obesity completed 12 years or more of school, compared to 76 percent of normal-weight peers.
Obese children are far less likely to finish school than peers of normal weight, according to European research Thursday which also highlighted body image problems in kids as young as six. Britain had the second-highest rate with 23.1 percent, followed by Albania with 22 percent and Georgia with 20 percent, Bulgaria with 19.8 percent and Spain with 18.4 percent, said an analysis of data provided by 32 countries in the World Health Organization’s 53-member Europe region. People are classified overweight if they have a BMI (body weight index, a ratio of weight to height) of 25 and higher, and obese from a BMI of 30. A second study presented at the congress said only 56 percent of children in Sweden who had received treatment for obesity completed 12 years or more of school, compared to 76 percent of normal-weight peers.
Policy changes in California to make the food and beverages that compete with school meal programs more healthy for students appear to have improved childhood overweight/obesity prevalence trends…
Policies adopted to regulate competitive food and beverages available to public school students have been found to reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity.
Nearly all Irish adults are likely to be overweight in 15 years’ time, said a study Wednesday that warned of a European “obesity crisis of enormous proportions”. On current trends, some 89 percent of Irish men will be overweight by 2030, and nearly half obese, said a World Health Organization study to be presented at a European Congress on Obesity in Prague. “Even in countries with a traditionally lower prevalence of obesity such as Sweden, obesity rates are predicted to rise sharply,” the congress report said. “Overall, the data show no evidence of a plateau in adult obesity in most countries,” said the statement.
Nearly all Irish adults are likely to be overweight in 15 years’ time, said a study Wednesday that warned of a European “obesity crisis of enormous proportions”. On current trends, some 89 percent of Irish men will be overweight by 2030, and nearly half obese, said a World Health Organization study to be presented at a European Congress on Obesity in Prague. “Even in countries with a traditionally lower prevalence of obesity such as Sweden, obesity rates are predicted to rise sharply,” the congress report said. “Overall, the data show no evidence of a plateau in adult obesity in most countries,” said the statement.
By Madeline Kennedy (Reuters Health) – Internet information about orthodontic braces varies in quality and may not be entirely accurate, according to a new study from the Netherlands. Orthodontic patients may look for information on the Web, but some people have questioned the quality of that information, the researchers write in the Journal of the American Dental Association. The study team used the search engines Google, Yahoo and Bing to find websites giving advice on oral hygiene for braces. They used the search terms “cleaning braces,” “brushing braces” and “oral hygiene and braces.” Overall, they evaluated 62 websites for accessibility, usability, reliability, readability and completeness of information, such as instructions about tooth brushing, dietary advice, fluoride recommendations, and dental care accessories.
In a culture that places a premium on outward appearances, the latest diet fad may prove highly seductive for anyone with a weight issue. Wellness stresses health and wholeness of mind, body and spirit. As such, wellness is about far more than weight loss. As a wellness coach, I suggest setting health as the goal, rather than weight loss. That…
Nighttime wandering passed down to as many as 60 percent of children, study finds