tony w
Pediatric Neurology
European Journal of Pain
Academic Emergency Medicine
European Journal of Pain
The American Journal of Cardiology
There’s a lot of heavy, depressing news following the release of a study that looks at the regain of weight by most of the Biggest Loser contestants. As a dietitian who has worked in weight loss efforts — patients in my office, bariatric center at Cedars-Sinai, and who was the on-air dietitian for 3 reality shows including Shedding for the…
Study found women who used them every day had babies who were twice as likely to be overweight by age 1 year
I confess here, as I have done to my kids, that I have never fully understood what Missy Elliott was talking about in her song, Work It. I get the general impression it’s better off that way.That notwithstanding, and renouncing any links to salacious innuendo, I am obligated to offer the performer a shout-out of thanks for her lyrics: work it;…
Pregnant women who drink artificially sweetened drinks may be more likely to have overweight infants than women who do not, a study suggested on Monday. Researchers found that daily consumption of artificially sweetened beverages was linked to a two-fold higher risk of having an infant who was overweight at age one, compared to women who drank no artificially sweetened beverages at all. “To our knowledge, we provide the first human evidence that maternal consumption of artificial sweeteners during pregnancy may influence infant BMI,” said the study led by Meghan Azad of the University of Manitoba.
Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease