tony w
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia
Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine
Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice
Obesity is associated with a higher risk for hearing loss,according to a new study in the American Journal of Medicine. Onthe other hand, greater levels of physical activity are associatedwith a lower risk for hearing loss, found researchers from Brighamand Women’s Hospital. “We often think of hearing loss as aninevitable part of the aging process, but these findings provideevidence that potentially modifiable risk factors, such asmaintaining a healthy weight and staying physically active, mayhelp in the prevention of hearing loss or delay its progression,”study researcher Sharon Curhan, M.D. …
Unreal Eats is Healthy Living’s original video series, where we gobehind calorie counts and health claims to examine what’s really inthe processed foods that scream loudest in our food environment.There’s no need to prove that Thanksgiving is one big calorie fest,but do you know where those calories are coming from? No one istotally sure how many calories the average American eats duringThanksgiving. The Calorie Control Council puts the number at 4,500.But, as The New York Times points out, it’s possibly unwise to takea diet food company at its word on such matters.
It feels like there is a simultaneous conversation happening atThanksgiving tables across the country. You eat a big meal — whichincludes a generous helping of turkey — and all of a sudden you’refeeling like you really want to lie down and take a nap. “It’s thetryptophan,” says Aunt Doris or Grandma Peggy or that cousin whoalways makes a big point of announcing that she’s watching herweight this year. Everyone nods in agreement, as if the tryptophanis a perfectly reasonable excuse. Unfortunately, the reality isthat you just ate way too much. It’s high
Title: Eating Tapeworms for Weight Loss
Category: Doctor’s & Expert’s views on Symptoms
Created: 11/25/2013 7:29:00 PM
Last Editorial Review: 11/25/2013 7:29:18 PM
Pain Physician