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Scandinavian Journal of Pain
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health
Pain Physician
Pain Physician
Pain Physician
Pain Physician
Current Pain and Headache Reports
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Going gluten-free may not do anything to improve athletic performance, a small study of cyclists suggests. Eliminating grains like wheat and rye that contain the protein gluten has become a trendy extension of popular carb-cutting diets. “There is no evidence to suggest that gluten removal itself is linked to improved health or performance outcomes,” lead study author Dana Lis, a health sciences researcher at the University of Tasmania, said by email.
Pregnant women who live near multiple natural gas wells tend to have smaller infants, research suggests
A trio of shrimp dishes served as a single meal has hooked the top spot at the 2015 Xtreme Eating awards.