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Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
The champion of childhood obesity prevention and former AMA Qld president Dr Shaun Rudd has given the thumbs up to a free state government-funded program from QUT to address rising levels of obesity in children.
Many individuals suffering from arthritis and other rheumatic diseases (AORD) supplement pharmacologic treatments with psychosocial interventions. One promising approach, guided imagery, has been reported to have positive results in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and is a highly scalable treatment for those with AORD. The main purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic review of RCTs that have examined the effects of guided imagery on pain, function, and other outcomes such as anxiety, depression, and quality of life in adults with AORD.
How do you spend 22 years of your life eating and craving meat, and then one day you stop doing just that. What has to happen in your life for such a dramatic change of events? Is it because you finally grow up, or maybe you just want a change in your life? You could be doing it purely for health reasons, or perhaps you’ve become so fond of…
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) — An Iowa company has been selling potentially unsafe dietary supplements and falsely advertising them as treatments for diseases ranging from colds to cancer, the federal government alleged Friday.
Severe diets dont necessarily lead to binge eating and could be used to treat obesity without risking the disorder, according to new research from the University of Sydneysnbsp;Charles Perkins Centrenbsp;and the University of Western Sydney.
Currently recommended daily dietary allowances of vitamin D may be insufficient to prevent deficiency in children, according to researchers at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC and the…
Strategies to support healthier diets among seniors need to take into account differences between elderly men and women, according to UBC research.
Pain Management Nursing
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics