tony w
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Scripps Research Institute News
Brain Stimulation
Acupuncture in Medicine
Are you within 10 pounds from your goal weight? Do you hover there, getting close by exercising and dieting? Until Thursday, that is; and then the weekend rolls around every darn week. When you are almost where you want to be, say within five pounds, you tend to allow yourself more wiggle room. Your clothes still fit, but maybe not all of your…
You have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity and avoid the gluten enemy at all costs, but inevitably, at some point, gluten gets in. When it does, what will you do? While there is no guaranteed way to get the gluten out, there are steps we can take to help our bodies recover the trauma of gluten ingestion. Here are 5 foods to add to your diet…
Increased consumption of fruits and non-starchy vegetables is inversely associated with weight change, according to a study published in PLOS Medicine.