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Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research
American Journal of Therapeutics
Former Iowa science teacher John Cisna, who says he lost 60 pounds on a six-month regimen of McDonald’s food and daily walks, has sparked outrage among public health advocates for taking his story to U.S. schools on the fast-food chain’s dime. Part of that challenge is winning over youngsters who have seen documentaries such as “Super Size Me” and “Fast Food Nation,” and as a result view McDonald’s food as a contributor to obesity, diabetes and other serious diseases. Cisna has tried to counter that impression, first with a book last year called “My McDonald’s Diet: How I lost 37 pounds in 90 days and became a viral media sensation,” detailing an experiment he said was created with his students.
Dietary supplements send an average of 23,000 people to the emergency room each year, a new study estimates. WebMD has the details.
Many claim to be natural, which may sound safe, but dietary supplements send 23,000 Americans to hospital emergency rooms each year, a new federal study estimates.
Early physical therapy for recent-onset low back pain resulted in statistically significant improvement in disability compared to usual care, but the improvement was modest and did not achieve a…
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
Immunologic Research
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
NeuroImage: Clinical