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Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
BMC Palliative Care
Canadian Journal of Cardiology
La Trobe University scientists have discovered the cause of cachexia, the muscle wasting disease that kills up to one third of all cancer patients.
When I used to work in corporate entertainment, I had the most spectacular boss. He was in his late 40s, and while he rarely worked out beyond an occasional swim (he was managing a frantic work life, kids – the whole deal), he always stayed trim and fit and had tons of energy. He was happy and unfettered (for the most part) by the challenges…
A huge international study of global causes of death has revealed high blood pressure is the number-one individual risk factor associated with Australian deaths, contributing to 28,500 deaths a year.nbsp;
Over the counter supplements, including vitamins, sexual enhancements and weight loss aids, are being blamed for 23,000 visits to US emergency rooms each year, according to a decade-long study this week. The findings published in the New England Journal of Medicine are based on reports from a nationally representative sample of 63 emergency departments from 2004 through 2013. Weight loss aids were a leading culprit in this age group, causing more than half of emergency room visits, commonly for heart related symptoms including palpitations, chest pain, or irregular heartbeat.
The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies