tony w
Physical Therapy
The Journal of Headache and Pain
Patient Education and Counselling
The Journal of Urology
Pain Management Nursing
By Dave Sherwood AUGUSTA, Maine (Reuters) – Maine’s top health official on Monday proposed banning the purchase of soda and candy under the federal aid program known as food stamps, describing the move as needed to counter an “alarming epidemic of obesity” among the state’s poor. In their formal request to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which must approve any change in rules related to the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, state officials said the shift would help control the rising costs of healthcare for overweight, low-income patients. A 2012 study by a University of Maine researcher put the annual medical costs of obesity in Maine at $452.7 million.
Several months ago, colleagues and I published a journal article on nutrition myths and dietary advice. The journal recently received a letter to the editor regarding our article; its author questioned our handling of saturated fats. We have already submitted a formal response to the journal. But given the glacial pace of academic publishing, it…