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By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Many elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment experienced better brain function after a “fitness” program designed to sharpen their minds, a U.S. study suggests. Researchers put 127 elderly people on what they called a brain fitness regimen for 12 weeks that included meditation training, cognitive behavior therapy, and education about the Mediterranean diet, exercise, stress reduction and proper sleep habits. By the end of the program, 84% of participants experienced significant improvements in cognitive function, researchers reported in a paper released online February 5 in the Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease.
The popular low-carbohydrate, high-fat ‘Paleo’ diet can cause weight gain and predispose followers to diabetes, say researchers, who recommend a Mediterranean diet instead.
A new survey finds that homeopathic medicines are primarily used by a small segment of the U.S. population for common, self-limited conditions such as the common cold or back pain.
Clinical Imaging
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association
Annals of Pharmacotherapy
The Clinical Journal of Pain
The Clinical Journal of Pain