tony w
BMC Anesthesiology
BMC Anesthesiology
Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface
BMC Hematology
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
If you read my blogs for long enough, you’ll find that most of my patients end up being my “favorite patients,” since I think they’re all great, and have a deep respect for how challenging the work they’re doing is. So, I was sitting with one of my favorite patients recently, who is really struggling. Her mood was down, and her weight was…
By Jim Dury For six weeks seven-year-old Bethan Westcott-Storer was feeling listless and losing weight, worrying parents Lizzie and Dean. Now aged nine, she’s the picture of health, having been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in November 2014, since when she’s been treating herself via an omnipod pump that delivers insulin via a cannula under her skin. “I felt very weak and tired all the time, and if my friends in the playground said ‘do you want to play It?’ or something, I’d just feel like ‘ohh, not really,” Bethan told Reuters during a check-up at the University of Exeter Medical School.
International Wound Journal
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
European Journal of Pain