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Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies
Two new studies suggest salt may lead us to overeat by interrupting the biological mechanisms that tell us when we are full. As such, too much salt could lead to weight gain.
A U.S. study suggests that younger siblings might be really good for your health. Children who didn’t welcome a baby brother or sister into the family before first grade had almost triple the odds of obesity compared with kids who experienced the birth of a sibling when they were around three to four years old, the study found. The study doesn’t prove that being an only child will cause obesity or show how adding a new baby to family might help older kids maintain a healthy weight.
Gaining a sibling before age 4 may be linked with lower body weight later on.
A recent Finnish study showed that individualised and family-based lifestyle counselling helps 6-8-year-old children increase their physical activity levels and improve their diet quality during a…
Research finds TMAO — a gut byproduct of animal-rich diets — encourages over-reactive platelet function, increasing thrombosis risk.
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience
International Urogynecology Journal