By Chuck Mikolajczak NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. stocks edged higher on Tuesday, putting the S&P on pace to snap a two-session decline, as gains in the materials sector were offset by declines in a trio of Dow components. The S&P materials index gained 0.9 percent as the best performing of the 10 major S&P indexes, led by a 4.9 percent gain in Dow Chemical to $45.18. “Dow Chemical is kind of behind sort of a broader market rise with the idea there is still value, or at least one respected hedge fund thinks there is still some value in a specific stock,” said Rick Meckler, president of investment firm LibertyView Capital Management in Jersey City, New Jersey. Also adding support to the materials sector was Alcoa Inc , which advanced 4.8 percent to $11.90 after JP Morgan upgraded the stock to an “overweight” from a neutral” rating and boosted its price target to $15 from $9 per share.
We are all aware of the health benefits of “dietary fibre”. But what is dietary fibre and how do we metabolise it?Research at the University of York’s Structural Biology Laboratory, in collaboration with groups in Canada, the USA and Sweden, has begun to uncover how our gut bacteria metabolise the complex dietary carbohydrates found in fruits and vegetables.
By Kim Palmer CLEVELAND (Reuters) – An Ohio man’s execution by an untested two-drug method that left him gasping for several minutes drew promises on Friday for a lawsuit by his family and renewed debate over capital punishment in the United States. Dennis McGuire, 53, who admitting raping and killing a pregnant woman, was executed Thursday with a sedative-painkiller combination never before used in the United States, where lethal injection is the preferred method of execution. The execution witnessed by reporters and McGuire’s adult children took about 25 minutes to complete, amid reports that he gasped for an unusually long 15 minutes while clenching his fists, and that his stomach churned up and down visibly. Typical executions end in death after about 10 minutes of sleep, said Richard Dieter, executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center, which tracks the use of capital punishment.
New research from the MRC Clinical Sciences Centre suggests that nutrients in the diet may play a role in changing the architecture of blood vessels in the gut and other organs. The study, in fruit flies, found that small changes in their diet alter the nerve signalling that guides branching of new oxygen-delivering tubules – a process reminiscent of adaptive angiogenesis.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University analyzed data from a U.S. survey of 24,000 people over a period of 10 years. People who were overweight or obese generally consumed the same amount of calories a day no matter what they drank, but those who chose diet drinks got more of those calories from food. Outside experts were quick to caution that it is not clear what role, if any, diet drinks such as low- or no-calorie versions of sodas, sports drinks and teas played for people who ate more. In the study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, overweight drinkers of diet beverages in the United States ate 1,965 in food calories a day compared to 1,874 calories among heavy people who drank regular sugar-sweetened beverages.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University analyzed data from a U.S. survey of 24,000 people over a period of 10 years. People who were overweight or obese generally consumed the same amount of calories a day no matter what they drank, but those who chose diet drinks got more of those calories from food. Outside experts were quick to caution that it is not clear what role, if any, diet drinks such as low- or no-calorie versions of sodas, sports drinks and teas played for people who ate more. In the study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, overweight drinkers of diet beverages in the United States ate 1,965 in food calories a day compared to 1,874 calories among heavy people who drank regular sugar-sweetened beverages.
By Shereen Jegtvig NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Men who participated in a community fitness program for obese fathers lost weight and increased their activity levels in a new study from Australia. The researchers’ main goal was to test the ‘Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids’ program in a real-world setting to see if it helped reduce obesity among the men participating – with the hope it would improve the eating habits and activity levels of their children too. “Internationally, obesity in men and obesity prevention in children are public health priorities,” Philip Morgan, who led the study, told Reuters Health in an email. “Fathers have a unique and important role in the lifestyle behaviors of their children, yet little is known about how best to engage them in lifestyle interventions,” Morgan said.
By Shereen Jegtvig NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Men who participated in a community fitness program for obese fathers lost weight and increased their activity levels in a new study from Australia. The researchers’ main goal was to test the ‘Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids’ program in a real-world setting to see if it helped reduce obesity among the men participating – with the hope it would improve the eating habits and activity levels of their children too. “Internationally, obesity in men and obesity prevention in children are public health priorities,” Philip Morgan, who led the study, told Reuters Health in an email. “Fathers have a unique and important role in the lifestyle behaviors of their children, yet little is known about how best to engage them in lifestyle interventions,” Morgan said.
A new study by scientists at McGill University and the University of Zurich shows a direct link between metabolism in brain cells and their ability to signal information. The research may explain why the seizures of many epilepsy patients can be controlled by a specially formulated diet.
Study found risk for fracture was less for those who avoided wheat, other grains