World Lung Foundation (WLF) has called on governments to start regulating food and beverage products linked to overweight and obesity.
This study, which was published in the October 12 edition of the journal Heliyon, analyzed health data on around 450 000 British people from the UK Biobank study in order to determine whether the birth month had an impact on birth weight, starting puberty early, and adult height. Canadian researchers also discovered that children born in the spring or summer were in generally better health than other children.
While most cancer survivors in the United States are motivated to seek information about food choices and dietary changes to improve their health, a new study comparing their dietary patterns to…
People with type 2 diabetes mellitus who began drinking one glass of red wine a day with a healthy diet have lower cardiometabolic risk than those drinking water or white wine.
By Steve Holland MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) – Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Tuesday will lay out proposals to repeal President Barack Obama’s healthcare law and replace it with a system that provides a tax credit for the purchase of health plans and shifts power to the states. Bush will detail his plan at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics in Manchester to start a three-day campaign swing through the state, which holds the first-in-the-nation primary election on Feb. 9 on the road to the November 2016 election. “ObamaCare, a government takeover of more than one-sixth of the American economy, epitomizes why Americans are fed up with Washington. Jeb believes we must repeal Obamacare and offer a conservative vision and plan of health care for the future,” said Bush spokeswoman Allie Brandenburger.
By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters Health) – A glass of red wine at dinner is safe and possibly beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes, a new trial suggests. People who followed a healthy diet and drank a glass of red wine at dinner for two years ended up with better HDL or “good” cholesterol and other good health-related factors than people on the same diet who drank mineral water, researchers found. The risks and benefits of alcohol use among people with diabetes have been controversial, Shai and her colleagues write in Annals of Internal Medicine.
Experiments on mice show that low oxygen before birth and a high-salt diet in later life increase the chance of cardiovascular disease.
No, not really.The controversy and clamor attached to the report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee would seem to suggest that something that radical had been proposed. But that’s not quite the case.The group did not announce that spinach, heretofore considered nutritious, actually causes human eyeballs to burst into flame (how…
A new report from the World Obesity Federation predicts that more than 2.7 billion adults will be overweight or obese by 2025 unless governments do more to combat the problem.