Title: Does Facebook Lead Young Women to Dangerous Diets?
Category: Health News
Created: 7/27/2015 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 7/28/2015 12:00:00 AM
WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal health regulators on Tuesday approved an inflatable medical balloon that aids weight loss by filling up space in the stomach.
Risk is highest for those who use social media site to compare themselves to friends, study finds
What does it take to age well? Most people I ask say some version of the following: a healthy diet, taking vitamins, staying in shape, and seeing a doctor for annual check-ups. The emphasis is always on physical health.Nobody ever mentions the importance of an active social life. According to research, spending most of your time alone and…
By Madeline Kennedy (Reuters Health) – – For overweight and obese people with a common heart rhythm problem, improving cardiovascular fitness with exercise may help to eliminate symptoms, a recent Australian study found. Participants with the greatest improvements in their cardio fitness were less burdened by symptoms of the arrhythmia, known as atrial fibrillation, and more likely to survive symptom free during the study, compared to those who had smaller or no fitness improvements. A possible side effect of the cardio exercise regimen, weight loss, may have also contributed to the improvements, researchers say.
New research techniques help to uncover the best ways to consume dietary protein to optimize health outcomesNew research based on modern techniques suggests that recommendations for protein…
Bournemouth University researcher to present results at American Alzheimer’s Association International ConferenceUnexplained weight loss is often seen in people with dementia, which can lead…
Future obesity is predicted by today’s trending food storiesWhat you’re reading now secretly tells you whether your country will be skinnier or fatter in three years.
Title: Time Spent Sitting May Not Affect Diet, Study Suggests
Category: Health News
Created: 7/17/2015 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 7/20/2015 12:00:00 AM
When my vegan friends and colleagues say that a vegan diet is categorically the best for human health, it is an excess of zeal. We simply do not have evidence to substantiate the claim. I know; I’ve looked- hard.If you are inclined to doubt my assertion, just consider what such evidence would look like. I don’t think, when we say “best for…