People who drink diet beverages are likely to compensate for their perceived loss of calories by eating more discretionary foods such as cookies and ice cream.
With a new mathematical model, researchers are able to explain how different levels of diversity in gut microbes lead to different responses to diets.
A battle is brewing in Washington as the capital city prepares to regulate personal fitness trainers in a move that could ripple through the country’s booming $24 billion gym industry and its fight against flab. The District of Columbia, whose residents are generally fitter than the rest of the country, is set to adopt the United States’ first regulations on trainers, following a law passed by the city council last year. It named an obscure city regulatory panel, the Board of Physical Therapy, to develop rules for trainers who help guide exercise aficionados through their stretching, weightlifting and crunches.
New research has shown for the first time that the part of the brain used for learning, memory and mental health is smaller in people with unhealthy diets.
The number of people worldwide whose deaths were tied to avoidable health risks like high blood pressure and smoking has shot up by almost 23 percent since 1990, researchers said Friday. “To put it in plain English, we are behaving badly,” study co-author Ali Mokdad of the University of Washington told AFP. “I mean we know very well that smoking kills and that blood pressure is another killer,” he said by phone.
Later this month, world leaders are set to endorse a U.N. goal to eliminate hunger by 2030, but they will have to convince their citizens to adopt new eating habits first, experts say. The shift, like the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) themselves, must apply to both wealthy and developing nations, where consumption of ecologically unfriendly foods is growing fastest. “Sustainable and healthy diets will require a move towards a mostly plant-based diet,” said Colin Khoury, a biologist at the Colombia-based International Centre for Tropical Agriculture.
But finding does not prove certain intestinal bacteria determine size of one’s waistline
(Reuters) – New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman has asked 13 dietary supplement makers to halt the sale of adulterated devil’s claw plant, a common remedy for arthritis and chronic pain. A study by the New York Botanical Garden concluded that the supplements from these manufacturers contained a cheaper related species that is considered less desirable, Schneiderman said in a statement. (http://on.ny.gov/1i0CeRt) (Reporting By Samantha Kareen Nair in Bengaluru; Editing by Don Sebastian)
For the first time, researchers have identified how some common bacteria found in the gut react during metabolism. An algorithm has been developed that predicts how different candidates will respond to a given diet depending upon the composition of their microbiota, the collective term for gut bacteria, of which there can be up to 1,000 different types. Humans have dramatically different compositions of gut bacteria, according to the paper, and previous research has found links to certain compositions and some diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and arterial hardening, which the research team hope to combat with their new method.
A weight loss pill could soon be possible thanks to the work of Deakin University medical researchers.