-Graphic Artist/Illustrator: Devin O’SullivanJust over two months ago, I made yet another annual vow (New Year’s Resolution) to lose weight. At 41, it wasn’t about fitting into a slinky black dress, – this was about being around long enough to watch my two children grow older. Type-2 diabetes ended my mother’s life prematurely at the age of 49…
Many people turn to high-protein foods when trying to lose weight because eating protein-rich meals is commonly believed to make dieters feel fuller.
A model shows climate change could lead to 500,000 extra deaths in 2050, as reduced crop productivity alters diet risk factors for stroke, cancer and other non-infectious diseases.
By Magdalena Mis LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Climate change could cause significant changes to global diets, leading to more than half a million extra deaths in 2050 from illnesses such as stroke, cancer and heart disease, experts said on Wednesday. As extreme weather such as floods and heat waves wreaks havoc with harvests and crop yields, estimated increases in food availability could be cut by a third by 2050, according to the experts’ study published in The Lancet medical journal. This would lead to a reduction of 99 calories available per person per day, the assessment of the impact of climate change on diet composition and bodyweight found.
By Jim Dury For six weeks seven-year-old Bethan Westcott-Storer was feeling listless and losing weight, worrying parents Lizzie and Dean. Now aged nine, she’s the picture of health, having been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in November 2014, since when she’s been treating herself via an omnipod pump that delivers insulin via a cannula under her skin. According to her mother, “we noticed that she’d become quite thin, she’d lost a lot of weight, but she didn’t have all of the signs that other children normally have with type 1 – she didn’t have the excess thirst and urinating.
If you read my blogs for long enough, you’ll find that most of my patients end up being my “favorite patients,” since I think they’re all great, and have a deep respect for how challenging the work they’re doing is. So, I was sitting with one of my favorite patients recently, who is really struggling. Her mood was down, and her weight was…
By Jim Dury For six weeks seven-year-old Bethan Westcott-Storer was feeling listless and losing weight, worrying parents Lizzie and Dean. Now aged nine, she’s the picture of health, having been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in November 2014, since when she’s been treating herself via an omnipod pump that delivers insulin via a cannula under her skin. “I felt very weak and tired all the time, and if my friends in the playground said ‘do you want to play It?’ or something, I’d just feel like ‘ohh, not really,” Bethan told Reuters during a check-up at the University of Exeter Medical School.
By Philip Pullella VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope Francis, who has penned weighty encyclicals and decrees, has taken a stab at the simpler side of his job with a book for children to answer such questions as “What did God do before the world was made?” That question was put to him by 8-year-old Ryan K., from Canada. The book, called “Dear Pope Francis,” was a brainchild of Father Antonio Spadaro, a priest and editor of the Italian Jesuit journal Civilta Cattolica who was the first person to interview Francis after his election in 2013. Spadaro brought the pope the 31 drawings and questions by children from around the world and Francis dictated his responses in simple language.
A low-salt diet does not necessarily translate to stronger bones in postmenopausal women, physician-scientists report.
The company roped in Winfrey as its public face in October, in a bid to use her popularity to lift subscription numbers and reverse a nearly three-year decline in sales. The former TV talk-show star sparked interest in Weight Watchers by hosting a conference call with its members and tweeting about her weight loss under a company program. It is too early to judge Winfrey’s impact on driving sales, S&P Global Market Intelligence analyst Efraim Levy said, adding he expected the stock and earnings to be volatile.